When Does My Child Need a Frenectomy?

As a parent, you may find yourself constantly questioning every little aspect of your child's health and development. One question that might have crossed your mind is, "When does my child need a frenectomy?" This is a common question that we at Infinity Smiles often get asked. In this blog post, we'll delve into the details of what a frenectomy is, when it might be necessary, and how our skilled practitioners, Drs. Brazile and Moorehead, can assist.

Understanding Frenectomy

A frenectomy is a simple procedure that involves the removal or alteration of the frenum in the mouth. The frenum is a small fold of tissue that restricts the movement of certain body parts. In the mouth, there are two main types of frenum:

  • The labial frenum: This connects the upper lip to the gums just above the upper two front teeth.
  • The lingual frenum: This connects the bottom of the tongue to the floor of the mouth.

Sometimes, these pieces of tissue can be overly restrictive, causing issues with speech, eating, or oral hygiene. In such cases, a frenectomy may be recommended.

Signs Your Child Might Need a Frenectomy

There are several signs that your child might need a frenectomy in Charlotte. These include:

  • Difficulty breastfeeding: This is often the first sign in infants. If your child has trouble latching or you experience significant pain while breastfeeding, it could be due to a restrictive frenum.
  • Speech difficulties: As children grow and start speaking, a restrictive lingual frenum can cause speech impediments.
  • Dental issues: A restrictive labial frenum can create a gap between the two front teeth and cause gum recession.

If you notice any of these signs, it's important to consult with a dental professional.

The Frenectomy Procedure

The frenectomy procedure is quick and relatively painless. At Infinity Smiles, we ensure the comfort of your child throughout the process. The procedure involves:

  • A local anesthetic to numb the area
  • A small incision to release the frenum
  • A few stitches to aid healing

Post-procedure, we provide detailed aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.

The Long-Term Benefits of a Frenectomy

A frenectomy can provide several long-term benefits for your child, including:

  • Improved speech: By removing the restriction on the tongue, your child's speech development can significantly improve.
  • Better oral hygiene: Without a restrictive frenum, brushing and flossing becomes easier, leading to improved oral hygiene.
  • Enhanced self-esteem: By eliminating speech or dental issues, a frenectomy can boost your child's confidence and self-esteem.

What to Expect During Recovery

After your child's frenectomy procedure, it's natural to wonder about the recovery process. Generally, the healing period is relatively quick and straightforward. Most children experience minimal discomfort, which can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers if necessary. Your child may need to follow a soft diet for a few days and practice gentle oral hygiene to avoid irritating the surgical site. 

We'll provide you with detailed post-operative instructions, including any exercises that may be beneficial for optimal healing and function. It's important to follow these guidelines closely to ensure a smooth recovery. Most children return to their normal activities within a day or two, but full healing typically takes about two weeks. During this time, we'll schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your child's progress and address any concerns you may have.

Schedule Your Child’s Consultation in Charlotte, NC

If you're concerned that your child might need a frenectomy, don't hesitate to contact us. At Infinity Smiles in Charlotte, our experienced practitioners, Drs. Brazile and Moorehead, are here to answer your questions and guide you through the process. Call us at (704) 336-9595 to schedule a consultation today. We're committed to providing the best possible care for your child's oral health.

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